Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A New Surge

It's been Ages...

I know it has. I'm sorry - there really is no excuse for my lack of updates. 

I'm posting now though because at this moment I actually cannot write anymore with my physical hand - at least not legibly. I've been hunched over my story-notebook scribbling away with a fever-zeal that I haven't felt in years. My hand has been literally shaking as I write - I've had to struggle to keep hold of the pen. 

I've often had fears about my work through the whole process, and the past few months I've heard a few pieces of advice such as "don't write to please anyone but yourself," "expect that a given amount of people will dislike your work, so focus on making the people who WILL like your work really like it," and so on and so forth. 

I've also been looking towards a lot of my idols and people I respect and taking inspiration from them and I will say I'm going to be changing some things - but it will be for the better. 


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